Elvis & Coldplay

Ik heb weekend. Ik ga lekker luisteren…

Phil Cody-Big slow mover
Leonard Cohen-Greatest hits
Coldplay-A rush of blood to the head
Phil Collins-…Hits
Sam Cooke-Greatest hits
Elvis Costello-My aim is true
Elvis Costello-Kojak Variety
Elvis Costello-Mighty like a rose
Elvis Costello-Painted from memory (with Burt Bacherach)
Cracker-Kerosene hat
Cracker-The golden age
Cracker-Gentleman’s blues
Cracker-Forever cracker
Robert Cray-Some rainy morning
Robert Cray-Shoulda been home
Creedence Clearwater Revival-Really the best
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young-Deja Vu
Sheryl Crow-Special Edition
Sheryl Crow-c’mon, c’mon
Cuby & the blizzards-Groeten uit Grollo/Trippin’ thru’ a midnight blues

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